49.188 Endothenia marginana Copyright Martin Evans
 49.188 Endothenia marginana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.188 Endothenia marginana Copyright Martin Evans


49.188 Bordered Marble Endothenia marginana (Haworth, 1811)


Similar species: The smaller, dark specimens of Endothenia gentianaeana and the similar sized Endothenia oblongana will need dissection of the genitalia for a positive identification.

Forewing: 5 to 7.5mm

Habitats: Damp woodland, boggy heathland, marshes, fens, rough grassland, verges and embankments.

Habits: The moth is easily disturbed from low plants during the day. It makes low flights during the evening and later comes to light.

Foodplant: Depending on the foodplant, the larva lives in a silk gallery or a spinning, either internally or externally, feeding on the seeds within the heads of Teasel, Betony, hemp-nettles, Lousewort, Marsh Lousewort and Yellow Rattle. It overwinters in the larval habitation and pupates in March or April.