52.008 Red-tipped Clearwing Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esper, 1782)
Notable B
Similar species: The red scales at the tip of the forewing should be enough to distinguish this moth from the larger (fw.12 to 14mm) Large Red-belted Clearwing Synanthedon culiciformis or the equally sized Red-belted Clearwing Synanthedon myopaeformis .
Forewing: 9 to 11mm
Habitats: Carr, willow beds, river-banks, pond margins and other swampy places where willows grow.
Habits: The moth can be found on willow trunks in the early morning. The male is attracted to pheromone lures in the afternoon and it has been recorded visiting flowers in sunshine.
Foodplant: The larva feeds within a thin stem, branch or trunk of Osier Willow where it overwinters. The larva also uses Almond Willow, Tea-leaved Willow, Goat Willow, Grey Willow and Creeping Willow. In Goat Willow and Grey Willow a gall may be formed in the stem. Frass can sometimes be found in tree wounds.