66.004 Ground Lackey Copyright Martin Evans
 66.004 Ground Lackey Copyright Martin Evans
 66.004 Ground Lackey female Copyright Martin Evans
 66.004 Ground Lackey and Lackey Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  66.004 Ground Lackey Copyright Martin Evans


66.004 Ground Lackey Malacosoma castrensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Notable A

Similar species: Lackey Malacosoma neustria has almost parallel cross-lines, hindwing paler or the same as the forewing and the fringe are darker marked with white or very pale chequers.

Forewing: M13 to 16mm, F 17 to 21mm

Habitats: Salt-marsh and coastal vegetated shingle.

Habits: The moth comes to light, usually males but occasionally females.

Foodplant: The warmth loving larva feeds on a variety of salt-marsh plants including Common Sea-lavender, Sea Wormwood, Grass-leaved Orache, Golden Samphire, Sea Plantain, Sea-purslane and also Wild Carrot. In captivity the larva will also feed on sallows, plums, Blackthorn and Hawthorn. It pupates in a flimsy transparent cocoon amongst salt-marsh plants. The eggs are laid around a plant stem and can withstand inundation by the sea during the winter.