70.240 Scalloped Hazel Odontopera bidentata (Clerck, 1759)
Similar species: Both Scalloped Oak Crocallis elinguaria and Dusky Scalloped Oak Crocallis dardoinaria have less deeply indented scallops on the outer edge of their wings.
Forewing: 20 to 24mm
Habitats: Deciduous woodland, Conifer plantations, parkland, scrub, hedgerows and gardens.
Habits: The moth is sometimes found at rest during the day on walls and fences. It flies from dusk and comes to light.
Foodplant: The larva feeds on Hawthorn, Midland Hawthorn, Blackthorn, oaks, Hazel, Downy Birch, Silver Birch, sallows, willows, limes, privets, Barberry, pines, spruces, Monterey Cypress, Lawson's Cypress, Juniper, European Larch and other trees. It pupates in the leaf litter or amongst moss.
On the European mainland it also feeds on Beech, Goat Willow and European Silver Fir.