72.014 Reed Tussock Copyright Martin Evans
 72.014 Reed Tussock female Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  72.014 Reed Tussock Copyright Martin Evans


72.014 Reed Tussock Laelia coenosa (Hübner, [1808])


Similar species: White Satin Leucoma salicis is on average larger (18 to 27mm) and white with occasional buff leading edge, rather than pale buff forewing with lighter highlights.

Forewing: 16 to 21mm

Habitats: Fenland.

Habits: The moth comes to light. The native population was last recorded in 1879.

Foodplant: On the European mainland the larva feeds on Common Reed, Branched Bur-reed, Great Fen-sedge and fescues. It overwinters part-grown in foliage adjacent to the foodplant. It pupates in a tough brown cocoon on the foodplant or adjacent stems.