73.121 Frosted Orange Gortyna flavago ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Similar species: Fisher's Estuarine Moth Gortyna borelii lunata is larger (21 to 24mm), has a white oval, kidney mark and tooth on the inner central cross-line (rather than yellow-orange) and the general colouring is gold with grey-brown markings rather than pale orange with red-brown markings.
Forewing: 16 to 19mm
Habitats: Marshes, fens, moorland, ditch margins, rough grassland, woodland rides and margins, wasteground and gardens.
Habits: The moth can be found resting on its foodplant after dark. It comes to light.
Foodplant: The larva feeds in the lower stem and root of thistles, burdocks, Foxglove, ragworts, Hemp-agrimony, Common Nettle, figworts, mulleins and other herbaceous plants. It pupates in the lower part of a plant stem.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Butterbur, Common Valerian, Meadow Buttercup and Meadowsweet.