73.176 Middle-barred Minor Copyright Martin Evans
 73.176 Middle-barred Minor Copyright Martin Evans
 73.176 Middle-barred Minor Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.176 Middle-barred Minor Copyright Martin Evans


73.176 Middle-barred Minor Oligia fasciuncula (Haworth, 1809)


Similar species: If care is taken this moth is unlikely to be mistaken for any other British or Irish species.

Forewing: 10 to 12mm

Habitats: Damp grassland, marshes, fens, mountain moorland, woodland clearings and rides, coastal downland, dune-slacks, sand-dunes and gardens.

Habits: The moth nectars at flowers and comes to light and sugar.

Foodplant: The larva feeds at night on Tufted Hair-grass, Sheep's-fescue and probably other grasses. It hides in a leaf sheath during the day. It pupates in the leaf litter.