73.183 Dusky-lemon Sallow Xanthia gilvago ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Local / Immigrant
Similar species: Pale-lemon Sallow Xanthia ocellaris has a white spot within the patch of dark scales on the trailing side of the kidney mark and a slightly hooked wing-tip. Both species may have strongly contrasting markings or pale markings..
Forewing: 15 to 18mm
Habitats: Deciduous woodland, parkland and hedgerows with mature flowering elms.
Habits: The moth is attracted to flowers and over-ripe blackberries. It comes to sugar and light.
Foodplant: The larva initially feeds in the buds and ripening seeds of Wych Elm or occasionally English Elm. When larger it feeds on the leaves. The full-fed larva spins a cocoon under the soil where it rests for about six to eight weeks before pupating.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Small-leaved Elm.