73.202 Grey Shoulder-knot Copyright Martin Evans
 73.202 Grey Shoulder-knot Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.202 Grey Shoulder-knot Copyright Martin Evans


73.202 Grey Shoulder-knot Lithophane ornitopus lactipennis (Dadd, 1911)


Similar species: The general colouring and large curved, basal streak separates this moth from other British or Irish species.

Forewing: 17 to 19mm

Habitats: Deciduous woodland and parkland.

Habits: The moth feeds on over-ripe blackberries and Ivy blossom and in the spring on sallow catkins. It also comes to sugar and light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Pedunculate Oak, Sessile Oak and perhaps Turkey Oak. The full-fed larva spins a tough cocoon under the soil where it rests before it pupates about four weeks later.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Bird Cherry, poplars and willows.