73.235 Feathered Ranunculus Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus female Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus female and Black-banded female Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 4mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 4mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 14mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 17mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 21mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 28mm Copyright Martin Evans
 73.235 Feathered Ranunculus larva 34mm Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.235 Feathered Ranunculus Copyright Martin Evans


73.235 Feathered Ranunculus Polymixis lichenea lichenea (Hübner, [1813])


Polymixis lichenea scillonea Richardson, 1958

Scilly Isles

Description: The pink or yellow markings are not sex specific as could be inferred from the pictures.

Similar species: Black-banded Polymixis xanthomista statices has grey markings rather than grey-green, with a dark band across the forewing and only yellow rather than pink and yellow highlights. The males have simple antennae.

Forewing: 15 to 18mm

Habitats: Coastal cliffs, vegetated shingle, sand-dunes, calcareous slopes on or near the coast and gardens.

Habits: The moth feeds at over-ripe blackberries and Ivy and is attracted to sugar. It comes to light usually after midnight..

Foodplant: The larva feeds nocturnally on Thrift, docks, Dandelion, Sea Plantain, other plantains, ragworts, trefoils, Hound's Tongue, Biting Stonecrop, Wild Cabbage and other herbaceous plants growing in sheltered sites. It pupates under the soil in a tough cocoon.