73.258 Small Dark Yellow Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 73.258 Small Dark Yellow Underwing (underwing) Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.258 Small Dark Yellow Underwing Copyright Martin Evans


73.258 Small Dark Yellow Underwing Coranarta cordigera (Thunberg, 1788)

Notable A

Similar species: If care is taken this small black, day-flying moth with a black bordered, yellow underwing is unmistakeable.

Forewing: 10 to 12mm

Habitats: Mountain valleys and high slopes up to around 650m.

Habits: The moth flies during the day and visits Bearberry flowers. It sometimes basks on rocks and may be found resting on rocks, posts and bare ground in dull weather.

Foodplant: The larva feeds nocturnally on the young shoots and leaves of Bearberry. In captivity it accepts Cowberry, Bilberry and Bog Bilberry. It pupates in an elongate cocoon in the leaf litter.

On the European mainland it has been recorded feeding on Bog Bilberry and Cranberry as well as Bearberry.