73.286 Tawny Shears Copyright Martin Evans
 73.286 Tawny Shears Copyright Martin Evans
 73.286 Tawny Shears Copyright Martin Evans
 73.286 Pod Lover Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.286 Tawny Shears Copyright Martin Evans


73.286 Tawny Shears Hadena perplexa perplexa ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)


Pod Lover Hadena perplexa capsophila (Duponchel, 1842)

Local (Protected on Isle of Man)

Similar species: Highly variable in the amount of visible markings and depth of colour with some specimens having a white wing with black outlines for markings, while Pod Lover is the darkest with a dark grey forewing with lighter grey markings.

Forewing: 13 to 15mm

Habitats: Sand-dunes, vegetated shingle, rocky undercliff and inland on dry calcareous grassland and field margins.

Habits: The moth nectars at campions, Red Valerian and Wood Sage. It also comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the ripening seeds of Sea Campion, Bladder Campion, White Campion, Nottingham Catchfly and Rock Sea-spurrey. It pupates in a cocoon under the soil.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Soapwort.