73.302 Obscure Wainscot Copyright Martin Evans
 73.302 Obscure Wainscot Copyright Martin Evans
 73.302 Obscure Wainscot Copyright Martin Evans
 73.302 Obscure Wainscot and Southern Wainscot Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.302 Obscure Wainscot Copyright Martin Evans


73.302 Obscure Wainscot Leucania obsoleta (Hübner, [1803])


Similar species: Southern Wainscot Mythimna straminea has only a slight dusting of black dots across the forewing. The main forewing vein is darker and lacks a white spot where the outer veins join the central vein. The forewing has a hooked tip.

Forewing: 15 to 18mm

Habitats: Reed-beds, marshes, fens, stream margins, pond and lake margins, the margins of tidal rivers and estuaries.

Habits: The moth can be found on the heads of grasses after dark. It is attracted to sugar and light.

Foodplant: The nocturnal larva feeds on Common Reed. The full-fed larva overwinters in a standing reed stem or hollow stem in the leaf litter which is sealed with silk. This is where it pupates in the spring.