73.316 Light Feathered Rustic Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.316 Light Feathered Rustic Copyright Martin Evans


73.316 Light Feathered Rustic Agrotis cinerea ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Notable B

Similar species: A distinctive moth with forms that vary from almost white to dark grey-brown forewings.

Forewing: 13 to 17mm

Habitats: Calcareous grassland, downland, sea cliffs and quarries.

Habits: The male comes to light late in the evening. The female is less often found at light, but is attracted to sugar and is sometimes active during the day if the weather is warm.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Wild Thyme and possibly other herbaceous plants. In captivity it accepts Dandelion and plantain. The full-fed larva overwinters under the soil where it pupates in the spring.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Lucerne and Chickweed.