73.354 Square-spotted Clay Xestia stigmatica (Hübner, [1813])
Notable B
Similar species: Triple Spotted Clay Xestia ditrapezium and Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum both have a black dash near the apex of the forewing, rather than a dark wavy shade across the wing from this point.
Forewing: 17 to 20mm
Habitats: The margins of rides and clearings in mature deciduous woodland.
Habits: The moth nectars at Greater Burdock and other flowers about an hour after dark. It is also attracted to sugar. It comes to light later in the evening.
Foodplant: The Common Nettle, Dog's Mercury, Oxlip, Ribwort Plantain and other herbaceous plants and grasses. In captivity it accepts docks, Primrose, Common Chickweed, elms, birches, Bullace, Goat Willow. It has been successfully reared exclusively on Ribwort Plantain. The full-fed larva forms a cocoon under the soil, but does not pupate until several weeks later.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Dandelion, dead-nettle and Raspberry.