74.0095 Banded Nycteoline distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 74.0095 Banded Nycteoline lifecycle table Copyright Martin Evans  74.0095 Banded Nycteoline distribution map Copyright Martin Evans


74.0095 Banded Nycteoline Nycteola siculana (Fuchs, 1899)


Similar species: Oak Nycteoline Nycteola revayana and Eastern Nycteoline Nycteola asiatica are both similar with similar forms. For a positive identification check the genitalia.

Forewing: 11 to 13mm

Habitats: In southern Europe it is found in fairly dry habitats such as in the sallow rich understory of pine forest. It is distributed from North Africa across parts of Southern and Central Europe to Siberia.

Habits: The moth comes to light. The first record in Britain was at Pellistry on St Mary's, Isles of Scilly on 27th September 2018.

Foodplant: The early stages have not been recorded in Britain. On the European mainland the larva feeds in small groups of one to four caterpillars (usually two) in spun shoot tips of willows and poplars including Goat Willow and Purple Osier Willow. It pupates in a tough, boat-shaped cocoon on the underside of a twig or a leaf.