74.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea Copyright Martin Evans
 74.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea and Egyptian Bollworm Copyright Martin Evans
 74.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea and Tortrix viridana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  74.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea Copyright Martin Evans


74.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea Earias clorana (Linnaeus, 1761)

Notable B

Similar species: The green form of Egyptian Bollworm Earias insulana may have a pale leading edge and is of a similar size (10 to 11mm), but it has three darker-green, diffuse cross-lines and a diffuse dark central spot. Green Oak Tortrix Tortrix viridana is only superficially similar as it is green and of roughly the same size (8 to 11mm). It lacks the cream streak along the leading edge and sits in a flattened pose rather than a tent like pose.

Forewing: 10 to 12mm

Habitats: Carr and wetland scrub, marshes, fens, broads, damp woodland and damp heathland.

Habits: The moth flies from dusk and comes to light and sugar.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the terminal shoots of Osier Willow, Creeping Willow and other willows and sallows. It pupates in a tough, boat-shaped cocoon on the underside of a leaf or stem of the foodplant.