
Roger and I would like to thank the following for either guiding us to sites where we could find moths, allowing us access to sites or providing moths. We apologise for any that have been forgotten.
  • Albery, Jane. Forestry Commission (New Forest).
  • Atkinson, Ben. Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire WT.
  • Bailey, Mike. Bristol & District Moth Group.
  • Barnett, Ray. Bristol & District Moth Group.
  • Barron, Scott. Atropos.
  • Bebbington, John. Somerset Moth Group.
  • Beck, Dorothy and Robert. Dungeness.
  • Blackburn, John. Norfolk Wildlife Trust. (Hickling Broad).
  • Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery (for providing access to moth specimens)
  • Cade, Martin. Portland Bill Bird Observatory.
  • Chapman, Paul. Bristol & District Moth Group & Somerset Moth Groups.
  • Clatworthy, Robin. (The late) Somerset Moth Group.
  • Clemmet, Ian. National Trust (Somerset).
  • Davis, Tony. Butterfly Conservation.
  • Dennis, Graham. Hants & IOW Trust (Pamber Forest).
  • Finch, Les. Berkshire Moth Group.
  • Follows, Ron. Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire WT.
  • Gahan, Peter. Ainsdale Sand Dunes NNR Reserve Manager.
  • Glanville, Emma. Burren National Park.
  • Green, Mark. Somerset Wildlife Trust (Great Breach Wood).
  • Hall, Peter. Hereford & Worcestershire Moth Group.
  • Haynes, Fiona. Butterfly Conservation.
  • Hemmings, Robin. Hereford & Worcestershire Moth Group.
  • Hugo, Peter. Butterfly Conservation (Gloucestershire) Moth Officer.
  • Hunter, Ian. Kent Moth Group, Macro-moth County Recorder.
  • Kershaw, Debs. Norfolk Wildlife Trust (Hickling Broad NR).
  • Lee, Derek. Sussex Moth Group.
  • Lodge, Neil. Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (Lower Woods Reserve Manager).
  • Madigan, Lewis. Wildlife Licensing Unit. Dept.of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
  • Marsh, Jamie. Hants & IOW Trust.
  • Marsh, Peter. RSPB (Tulloch Moor, Lynachlaggan, Tromie Meadows).
  • Milbourne, Nigel. Bristol & District Moth Group.
  • Parsons, Mark. Butterfly Conservation.
  • Powell, Mike. Glamorgan Moth Recording Group.
  • Prescott, Tom. Butterfly Conservation (Scotland).
  • Pym, Andrew. Bristol & District Moth Group & Somerset Moth Group.
  • Riley, Rachel. Forestry Commission (East Anglia).
  • Roberts, Ian. Folkestone & Hythe Birds, Butterflies, Moths & other Natural History Society.
  • Robins, John (The late..). Somerset Moth Group.
  • Rowson, Rhian. Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery
  • Swainson, Glen. Natural England (Roudsea Wood & Gait Barrows).
  • Tailby, Keith. Northamptonshire Moth Group.
  • Thompson, Julian. Pensychnant Conservation Centre & NR.
  • Tuckey, Ali. Durlston Country Park.
  • Tunmore, Mark. Atropos.
  • Urwin, Bill. Somerset Moth Group.
  • Walker, David. Dungeness Bird Observatory.
  • Walton, Steffan. Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory.
  • Watson, Neil. Somerset Wildlife Trust (Cheddar Wood).
  • Widgery, John. Gloucestershire Moth Group.
  • Young, Mark. Aberdeen University.