06.003 Heliozela sericiella Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  06.003 Heliozela sericiella Copyright Martin Evans


06.003 Oak Cutter Heliozela sericiella (Haworth, 1828)


Similar species: Heliozela resplendella and Heliozela hammoniella . To positively identify rear from larvae or check genitalia.

Forewing: 3 to 4mm

Habitats: Woodland, heathland and scrub.

Habits: The moth flies in sunshine around the lower branches of oaks.

Foodplant: The larva forms a mine in a twig of oak, from where it travels up a petiole into the leaf base and forms a small blotch. It pupates in a case cut from the blotch attached to debris in the leaf litter.