15.017 Calybites phasianipennella Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


15.017 White-marked Stilt Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, [1813])


Similar species:

Forewing: 4.5 to 5mm

Habitats: Deciduous woodland, fens, marshes and arable margins.

Habits: The moth is sometimes disturbed during the day.

Foodplant: The larva initially forms a gallery mine on the lower side of a leaf of Water-pepper, Redshank, Common Sorrel, Sheep's-sorrel, Water Dock or Yellow Loosestrife. This mine is later developed into a large blotch on the upperside. The spinning on the lower side causes puckering of the leaf. The larva later forms at least two successive cones from strips partly cut from the leaf edge. Pupation takes place in a flimsy spinning in the final feeding place.