Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


28.0245 Tachystola mulliganae Sterling, Plant & Lees, 2023

Adventive / Colonist

Similar species: Tachystola acroxantha has similar, but slightly lighter colouring, with a spot rather than a short black bar at two thirds along the forewing. Tachystola acroxantha also has cilia that are totally orange rather than having iridescent magenta at the base. It also has broader forewings, so that when at rest the moth looks triangular rather than parallel sided.

Forewing: 6 to 8.5mm

Habitats: Parks, gardens and amenity planting.

Habits: The moth comes to light. It was first recorded on 7th July 2021 in Walpole Park in Ealing, West London by the woman after which it has been named. By December 2023 she had found at least 25 more specimens in several other locations in Ealing. There had been an unidentified specimen in the Natural History Museum collected in 1886 from Western Australia.

Foodplant: Its foodplant has not yet been recorded, but it may feed in the leaf litter of a variety of species in a similar manner to Tachystola acroxantha.