35.053 Tansy Stem Borer Isophrictis striatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Notable B
Similar species:
Forewing: 5 to 6mm
Habitats: Wasteground, embankments, verges, gardens, marshes, fens, river-banks and other wetland sites.
Habits: The moth rests on the leaves or flower-heads of the foodplants. It comes to light.
Foodplant: The larva burrows up into a flower of Tansy or Sneezewort from the pedicel, then moves from individual flower to flower by burrowing through the sides. The full-fed larva overwinters (often gregariously) either in the seed-heads or the upper stem. An entrance hole is chewed in the stem at a leaf axil and blocked with white pith before overwintering. In April it pupates in the stem or occasionally in the leaf litter. On the European mainland it has also been recorded from Stinking Chamomile and Scentless Feverfew.