Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


35.068 Milkwort Borer Monochroa tetragonella (Stainton, 1885)


Similar species:

Forewing: 4.5 to 5.5mm

Habitats: Coastal areas on the drier inner margin of salt-marshes, where Sea-milkwort is present.

Habits: The moth rests vertically, head up, on salt-marsh plants. It flies mid evening and later comes to light.

Foodplant: In autumn the larva completely mines several upper leaves of Sea-milkwort, mining through the stem from leaf to leaf. These leaves contain dense, black frass. After hibernation it bores the stem and rootstock, causing wilting, pale discolouration and often death of the plant. The pupation site is unknown.