Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


38.019 Wood-rush Miner Elachista regificella Sircom, 1849

Notable B

Similar species:

Forewing: 4 to 4.5mm

Habitats: On sunny banks in open woodland.


Foodplant: The larva mines a leaf of Great Wood-rush or Hairy Wood-rush. It forms a straight narrow gallery mine, with evenly scattered frass, along side a vein. In late February the mine has been extended to about three centimetre. It is then opened out into a long white blotch, often the width of the leaf and distorting it, with the frass at the end of the gallery. From here it may feed until as late as early June, although before this, it sometimes forms a second blister mine on another leaf, with the frass packed around the entrance hole. The larva is grey-green with a pale brown head and a darker prothoracic plate which is enlarged at the rear. Pupation takes place in a fresh folded leaf blade at the base of the plant, with a slight cocoon, but no silk girdle.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on White Wood-rush.