45.010 Amblyptilia acanthodactyla Copyright Martin Evans
 45.010 Amblyptilia acanthodactyla Copyright Martin Evans
 45.010 Amblyptilia acanthodactyla female Copyright Martin Evans
 45.010 Amblyptilia acanthodactyla and Amblyptilia punctidactyla Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  45.010 Amblyptilia acanthodactyla Copyright Martin Evans


45.010 Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (Hübner, [1813])


Similar species: Amblyptilia punctidactyla is overall more grey-brown rather than red-brown, has deeper dark teeth on the trailing edge of the wings and a lighter spot near the end of the leading edge of the forewing.

Forewing: 7 to 11mm

Habitats: Woodland, hedgerows, moorland, heathland, rough grassland and gardens.

Habits: The moth flies from dusk. It comes to light and visits Ivy blossom.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the buds, flowers and developing seeds of Hedge Woundwort, Marsh Woundwort, crane's-bills, mints, Pelargoniums, restharrows, goosefoots, heaths and Heather. It pupates amongst the flowers or seed-heads.