49.281 Gypsonoma sociana Copyright Martin Evans
 49.281 Gypsonoma sociana, Gypsonoma dealbana and Gypsonoma aceriana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.281 Gypsonoma sociana Copyright Martin Evans


49.281 Mottled White Tortrix Gypsonoma sociana (Haworth, 1811)


Similar species: Gypsonoma dealbana lacks the white face and the dark area of scales in the orange apical blotch. Gypsonoma aceriana lacks the white face and has paler markings in the outer half of the wing.

Forewing: 5.5 to 7mm

Habitats: Open woodland, parkland, gardens, river-banks and the margins of streams, canals and ponds.

Habits: The moth sits openly on trunks and fences during the day and is easily disturbed. It flies around the trees in the evening and later comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva at first bores into a twig of Black Poplar or Aspen at the base of a petiole, often aborting the growth or killing the end of the twig. After overwintering it moves down the twig and feeds within an expanding leaf bud until full-fed. It also lives on willows, where it feeds in the catkins in the spring. It pupates in a cocoon in a bark crevice or in the leaf litter.