49.365 Pammene albuginana Copyright Martin Evans
 49.365 Pammene albuginana and Pammene argyrana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.365 Pammene albuginana Copyright Martin Evans


49.365 Scarce Oak Gall Moth Pammene albuginana (Guenée, 1845)


Similar species: Pammene argyrana has a more defined dorsal blotch, less streaky orange markings, more patches of white scales in the inner third of the forewing with cream rather than orange scales at the base. If in doubt or the specimen is worn, check the genitalia.

Forewing: 4.5 to 6mm

Habitats: Oak woodland.

Habits: The moth flies around the tops of oak trees in the afternoon and early evening. It later comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds in mature Hymenopterous galls on oaks. In October the full-fed larva constructs a cocoon in an old gall or a crevice in the bark, it then overwinters and pupates in March.