49.375 Pammene regiana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.375 Pammene regiana Copyright Martin Evans


49.375 Regal Piercer Pammene regiana (Zeller, 1849)


Similar species: Pammene trauniana has more distinct fascia on the leading edge and a more rounded edge to the dorsal blotch which meets the dorsum closer to the tornus.

Forewing: 6 to 7.5mm

Habitats: Woodland, hedgerows and gardens.

Habits: The moth emerges in the morning between 8.00 and 10.00am. Most of them then ascend the tree and rest on the foliage at the top. The moth occasionally comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds in the seeds of Sycamore, Norway Maple and probably Field Maple. In September the full-fed larva overwinters in a cocoon in a crevice in the bark or under a fragment of bark on the trunk or a lower branch. It pupates in the cocoon in April.