62.064 Ephestia elutella Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  62.064 Ephestia elutella Copyright Martin Evans


62.064 Cacao Moth Ephestia elutella (Hübner, 1796)

Notable B

Similar species: Ephestia woodiella is usually much more strongly marked and often has areas of rich red and black scales. It is also more likely to be caught in light traps as it it is usually found outdoors rather than inside. Paler forms, especially if caught near buildings, should have the genitalia checked for a positive identification.

Forewing: 6.5 to 9.5mm

Habitats: Food warehouses, barns and haystores.

Habits: The larva is nocturnal and hides in the darker corners of buildings during the day. After dark it comes to light and flowers.

Foodplant: While small the larva feeds within its foodstuff, later in a frass-covered web on cacao, chocolate, coffee, tobacco, cereals, dried fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, chicory or cayenne pepper. It has also been reported from haystores and feeding on dried animal products and dead insects. Its growth depends on temperature and varies from three months to a year. The full-fed larva usually overwinters in a silk cocoon amongst its food or in a nearby cranny and pupates in the spring.