63.069 Narrow-winged Grey Eudonia angustea (Curtis, 1827)
Similar species: With its narrow straight edged forewings this overwintering species should not be mistaken for other Eudonia species.
Forewing: 8 to 10mm
Habitats: Woodland, parkland, coastal sand-dunes, vegetated shingle and gardens.
Habits: The moth comes to light and visits the flowers of Buddliea and Ivy blossom.
Foodplant: The larva lives on mossy walls in a silk web running through its foodplants which included Great Hairy Screw-moss Syntrichia ruralis var.ruralis, Revolute Beard-moss Pseudocrossidium revolutum, Silky Wall Feather-moss Homalothecium sericeum and Wall Screw-moss Tortula muralis. It pupates in a flimsy cocoon in the moss.