65.013 Common Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans
 65.013 Common Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans
 65.013 Common Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans
 65.013 Common Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans
 65.013 Common Lutestring and Satin Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  65.013 Common Lutestring Copyright Martin Evans


65.013 Common Lutestring Ochropacha duplaris (Linnaeus, 1761)


Similar species: Satin Lutestring Tetheella fluctuosa has a crescent rather than two dots in the forewing and a dark dash on the leading edge just within the outer pale band.

Forewing: 14 to 18mm

Habitats: Deciduous woodland, scrub, wooded heathland and river valleys.

Habits: The moth comes to light and occasionally to sugar.

Foodplant: The larva feeds at night on the leaves of Aspen and sometimes poplars, oaks and Hazel. During the day it rests between two spun leaves. It pupates between spun leaves which fall to the ground in autumn.