69.015 Striped Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth and Silver-striped Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth larva 6mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth larva 6mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth larva 20mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth larva 33mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.015 Striped Hawk-moth larva 36mm Copyright Martin Evans Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  69.015 Striped Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans


69.015 Striped Hawk-moth Hyles livornica (Esper, [1804])


Similar species: Silver-striped Hawk-moth Hippotion celerio lacks the white veins across the forewing, but has a curved silver-white edged line running from the body to the tip of the wing, plus several lines along the outer edge of the forewing.

Forewing: 33 to 42mm

Habitats: It breeds on the coast in warm, open habitats. It is also found in sunny woodland rides and clearings.

Habits: The moth flies from dusk and again at dawn. It comes to light, often late when on migration. It will nectar at Red Valerian.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Rosebay Willowherb, other willowherbs and Hedge Bedstraw. Records of British larvae are rare. It is possibly unable to survive British winters.

On the European mainland it also feeds on Lady's Bedstraw, other bedstraws, Knotgrass, snapdragon, Common Toadflax, buckwheats, dock, sorrels, flax, spurges, Fuschia and Grape.