69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans
 69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth larva 43mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth larva 45mm Copyright Martin Evans
 69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth pupa 33mm Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth Copyright Martin Evans


69.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)


Similar species:

Forewing: 21 to 25mm

Habitats: Short-turfed calcareous downland, sand-dunes, golf courses, heathland, vegetated shingle and occasionally damp grassland.

Habits: The moth comes to light early in the evening. It nectars from dusk at Viper's Bugloss, Red Valerian, campions, Honeysuckle and Rhododendron.

Foodplant: The larva feeds at night mainly on Lady's-bedstraw. It hides at the base of the plant during the day. It also feeds on Hedge Bedstraw, Marsh Bedstraw, Heath Bedstraw or other bedstraws and occasionally Rosebay Willowherb or Purple Loosestrife. It pupates in the leaf litter or just under the soil surface.