70.007 Isle of Wight Wave  Copyright Martin Evans
 70.007 Isle of Wight Wave  and Dwarf Cream Wave Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.007 Isle of Wight Wave  Copyright Martin Evans


70.007 Isle of Wight Wave Idaea humiliata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Presumed Extinct / Former resident

Similar species: Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa lacks the reddish leading edge to the forewing and has dark dashes along the outer edges of the wings at the base of the fringe.

Forewing: 9 to 10mm

Habitats: Very steep coastal slopes on chalk cliffs.

Habits: The moth flies at sunrise and from sunset. It has not been recorded from the southern cliffs of the Isle of Wight since about 1931.

Foodplant: On the European mainland the larva feeds on restharrows, speedwells and other low growing plants. In captivity it accepts Knotgrass, dock and Dandelion. It pupates in a cocoon in the leaf litter.