70.045 Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Similar species: Mallow Larentia clavaria is superficially similar, but is larger (19 to 22mm) and flies in September and October when Shaded Broad-bar is all but finished. Snout Hypena proboscidalis is also superficially similar, but has long palps and a zig-zag inner edge to the bar on the forewing.
Forewing: 16 to 19mm
Habitats: Woodland rides, scrub, calcareous and neutral grassland, acid heathland, coastal sand-dunes and road verges.
Habits: The moth is easily disturbed in the day. It nectars on flowers such as Common Ragwort after dark and comes to light.
Foodplant: In Britain and Ireland the larva is known to feed on clovers, vetches and probably trefoils.
On the European mainland it appears to be polyphagous on herbaceous plants, as it has been recorded feeding on Tufted Vetch, Wild Liquorice, Meadow Vetchling, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Greater Knapweed, Brown Knapweed, Field Scabious, Small Scabious, Creeping Thistle, Cabbage Thistle, Hemp Agrimony, Garden or Tall Goldenrod, Ivy-leaved Toadflax, Greater Burnet, Wild Basil, Wild Thyme and Wild Marjoram.