70.054 Silver-ground Carpet Copyright Martin Evans
 70.054 Silver-ground Carpet Copyright Martin Evans
 70.054 Silver-ground Carpet Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.054 Silver-ground Carpet Copyright Martin Evans


70.054 Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata montanata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)


Xanthorhoe montanata shetlandica (Weir, 1880)


Similar species: Although the forewing band varies in width and colour and is sometimes split into two parts, this species is still unlikely to be mistaken for other British or Irish species.

Forewing: 14 to 17mm

Habitats: Tall vegetation along woodland rides, in scrub, hedgerows, green lanes, heathland, grassland, marshes, fens and gardens.

Habits: The moth is very easily disturbed in the day. It flies from dusk and comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Cleavers, Hedge Bedstraw, probably other bedstraws, Primrose, chickweeds, Groundsel and other low-growing plants. It pupates in a cocoon in loose soil.

On the European mainland the larva has also been recorded feeding on Lady's Bedstraw, Wood Cranesbill, Hoary Plantain, brambles and docks.