70.151 Foxglove Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 70.151 Foxglove Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 70.151 Foxglove Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 70.151 Foxglove Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 70.151 Foxglove Pug and Toadflax Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.151 Foxglove Pug Copyright Martin Evans


70.151 Foxglove Pug Eupithecia pulchellata Stephens, 1831


Similar species: Toadflax Pug Eupithecia linariata has a dark basal marking to the forewing only at the leading edge. It also has a more uniform dark grey cross-band which is not interrupted by a narrow pale streak across it.

Forewing: 10 to 12mm

Habitats: Open woodland, woodland rides, woodland clearings after felling, moorland, calcareous grassland, sea-cliffs, road and rail embankments.

Habits: The moth can sometimes be found resting on vegetation adjacent to the foodplant from where it is easily disturbed. It comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the flower stamens and inner parts of Foxglove flowers. It pupates in the soil.