70.155 Netted Pug
 70.155 Netted Pug
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.155 Netted Pug


70.155 Netted Pug Eupithecia venosata venosata (Fabricius, [1787])

Local S. C. and N. England, S. Wales and the Channel Islands

Eupithecia venosata ochracae Gregson, 1886


Eupithecia venosata fumosae Gregson, 1887

Shetland and Orkney

Eupithecia venosata hebridensis Curtis, 1944

Outer Hebrides

Eupithecia venosata plumbea Huggins, 1962


Similar species: A distinct species unlikely to be mistaken for other British or Irish moths. Irish and island species in the north are often much darker than southern forms.

Forewing: 10 to 14mm

Habitats: Calcareous sea-cliffs and downland, limestone gravel tracks, spoil heaps, woodland and field margins, hedgerow verges and occasionally gardens.

Habits: The moth flies from dusk and comes sparingly to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the ripening seeds in the capsules of Bladder Campion and Sea Campion. It pupates in loose soil.