70.173 Lime-speck Pug Eupithecia centaureata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Similar species: A distinct species unlikely to be mistaken for other British or Irish moths.
Forewing: 10 to 12mm
Habitats: Woodland clearings and rides, scrub, hedgerows, road verges, salt-marsh, sand-dunes and gardens
Habits: The moth may be found resting on tree trunks, posts, walls and fences during the day. It flies from dusk and comes to light.
Foodplant: The larva feeds in the flowers of ragworts, Mugwort, Sea Wormwood, Goldenrod, Canadian Goldenrod, Michaelmas Daisy, Shasta Daisy, Hemp-agrimony, Wild Angelica, Burnet-saxifrage, Traveller's-joy, Field Scabious, Common Knapweed, Yarrow and other low growing plants. It pupates in the leaf litter or in loose soil.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Umbellate Hawkweed, Wild Parsnip and Hoary Plantain.