70.201 Barred Tooth-striped Trichopteryx polycommata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Notable A
Similar species: The divide cross-band is diagnostic. As with close relatives the male has a lobe attached at the trailing edge of its hindwing.
Forewing: 14 to 17mm
Habitats: Deciduous woodland rides, woodland margins, hedgerows and calcareous downland scrub.
Habits: The moth is occasionally found at rest on its foodplants. It comes sparingly to light.
Foodplant: The larva feeds on Wild Privet, Ash and possibly Honeysuckle. In captivity it accepts Garden Privet, Lilac and Honeysuckle. It pupates in the soil.
On the European mainland it has been recorded on Fly Honeysuckle and Black-berried Honeysuckle.