70.250 Belted Beauty Copyright Martin Evans
 70.250 Belted Beauty female Copyright Martin Evans
 70.250 Belted Beauty and Rannoch Brindled Beauty Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.250 Belted Beauty Copyright Martin Evans


70.250 Belted Beauty Lycia zonaria britannica (Harrison, 1912)

RDB England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland

Lycia zonaria atlantica (Harrison, 1938)

Notable A NW. Scotland

Similar species: Rannoch Brindled Beauty Lycia lapponaria is similar, but has a broken orange-red line down the dorsal rather than dull orange bars between the abdominal segments.

Forewing: 12 to 16mm

Habitats: Machair, sand-dunes, along coastal paths, on a coastal golf course and below the strand line at one site where it is annually inundated.

Habits: The male comes to light late at night. Both sexes appear on fence posts in early afternoon sunshine, despite not being there during the late morning.

Foodplant: The larva feed mainly on Common Bird's-foot Trefoil and Kidney Vetch, but also clovers, Creeping Willow, plantains, Yarrow, Flag Iris and Burnet Rose. In captivity it will accept most species of sallow. It pupates just under the soil surface.