70.262 Bordered Grey Copyright Matin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.262 Bordered Grey Copyright Matin Evans


70.262 Bordered Grey Selidosema brunnearia scandinaviaria Staudinger, 1901

Notable A

Selidosema brunnearia tyronensis Cockayne, 1951


Similar species: Irish Annulet Gnophos dumetata has a scalloped forewing and a slightly hooked wing tip. The male lacks broadly feathered antennae.

Forewing: 16 to 22mm

Habitats: Heathland, acid bogs, calcareous grassland and coastal sand-dunes.

Habits: The moth is easily disturbed from areas of bare ground amongst Heather. It flies from dusk and comes sparingly to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Heather, Bird's-foot Trefoil and Common Restharrow. It pupates in a cocoon in the leaf litter or just below the soil surface.

On the European mainland it also feeds on Broom, heaths, clovers and sorrel.