70.298 Jersey Emerald Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.298 Jersey Emerald Copyright Martin Evans


70.298 Jersey Emerald Pseudoterpna coronillaria (Hübner, [1817])

Channel Islands

Similar species: Grass Emerald Pseudoterpna pruinata looks like a green form of Jersey Emerald with dark green central cross-lines, but without the dark suffusion in the area of the white outer cross-line. Faded specimens of these moths can look similar.

Forewing: 16 to 20mm

Habitats: Open areas where the foodplants are present, including a golf course on Jersey.

Habits: Although resident on the Channel Islands, it was first discovered on Jersey as late as 2001 and Alderney in 2006.

Foodplant: The early stages are not fully recorded on the Channel Islands. On Alderney the larva feeds on Prostrate Gorse. On the European mainland it feeds on Broom, Dyer's Greenweed and gorse species.