72.078 Red Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 72.078 Red Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 72.078 Red Underwing and Rosy Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 72.078 Red Underwing and Rosy Underwing (underwings) Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  72.078 Red Underwing Copyright Martin Evans


72.078 Red Underwing Catocala nupta (Linnaeus, 1767)


Similar species: Rosy Underwing Catocala electa is on average smaller (33 to 39mm) and the forewing is greyer and less marbled. The outer central cross-line travels sharply inwards to the kidney mark rather than travelling inwards at two-thirds from the leading edge. French Red Underwing Catocala elocata (forewing 36 to 40mm) has more diffuse markings and the outer central cross-line is evenly zig-zagged and trails slightly outward at the trailing edge, rather than making an abrubt, deep, inward indentation.

Forewing: 33 to 49mm

Habitats: Damp deciduous woodland, parkland, carr, scrub, river-banks and gardens.

Habits: The moth is sometimes found in the day resting on walls from where it is easily disturbed. It has also been recorded flying in warm afternoon sunshine and visiting flowers. It comes to sugar, but only sparingly to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds nocturnally on Black Poplar, White Poplar, Aspen and other poplars, mature Crack Willow, White Willow and other willows. During the day it hides in a crevice in the bark. It pupates in a cocoon in a bark crevice or in the leaf litter.