72.082 Light Crimson Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 72.082 Light Crimson Underwing and Dark Crimson Underwing Copyright Martin Evans
 72.082 Light Crimson Underwing and Dark Crimson Underwing (underwings) Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  72.082 Light Crimson Underwing Copyright Martin Evans


72.082 Light Crimson Underwing Catocala promissa ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

RDB / suspected Immigrant

Similar species: Dark Crimson Underwing Catocala sponsa does not have a gap between the pale tear shaped central mark in the forewing and the inner central cross-line.

Forewing: 25 to 32mm

Habitats: Ancient and mature deciduous woodland.

Habits: The moth flies around the tree canopy in the late afternoon on sunny days. It comes to sugar even before dusk and only occasionally to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds in the canopy on the flowers and buds of Pendunculate Oak and possibly Sessile Oak. When larger it feeds at night on the leaves. It rests along twigs or in crevices in the bark by day. It pupates spun between leaves or on the trunk.