Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans


73.009 Tunbridge Wells Gem Chrysodeixis acuta (Walker, 1857)


Similar species: Golden Twin-spot Chrysodeixis chalcites has golden rather than brassy metallic areas. The underside of the males abdomen has black tufts at the tip rather than brown hairs.

Forewing: 14 to 18mm

Habitats: Where it is native it inhabits a variety of habitats from arid scrub to arable land and gardens.

Habits: The moth comes to light.

Foodplant: In the Canary Islands and Africa the larva feeds on Barley, Linseed, Sorghum, Tomato, Greater Burdock, Thorn-apple, Kidney Bean, Honeysuckle, Banana, Canna Lilies and many other plants. In captivity it accepts Common Nettle and Pellitory-of-the-wall. It pupates in a flimsy cocoon under a leaf of the foodplant.