Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans


73.111 Purple Cloud Actinotia polyodon (Clerck, 1759)


Similar species: If care is taken this moth is unlikely to be mistaken for any other British or Irish species.

Forewing: 14 to 16mm

Habitats: In central and southern Europe it inhabits sunny, nutrient-poor grassland slopes, areas of open scrub and large woodland clearings.

Habits: The moth nectars at flowers, visits sugar and comes to light.

Foodplant: The early stages have not been recorded in Britain. On the European mainland the larva feeds on the flowers, seeds and leaves of Perforate St John's-wort and other St John's-worts. It has also been recorded on Wild Liquorice. It pupates under the soil.