73.225 Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans
 73.225 Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans
 73.225 Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans
 73.225 Brindled Green and Sombre Brocade Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.225 Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans


73.225 Brindled Green Dryobotodes eremita (Fabricius, 1775)


Similar species: Sombre Brocade Dryobotodes tenebrosa has a longer dark basal streak and larger orange area to the outer side of the kidney mark. Also an orange-brown irregular outer band across the wing. Southern Brindled Green Dryobotodes roboris is smaller (12 to 14mm) and has a pale band across the outer area of the forewing, as well as a dark blotch in the trailing corner.

Forewing: 15 to 17mm

Habitats: Deciduous woodland, parkland, hedgerows and more rural gardens.

Habits: The moth nectars at Ivy blossom and feeds at over-ripe berries. It comes to sugar and light.

Foodplant: The small larva feeds in a bud or immature flowers of Pedunculate Oak, Sessile Oak and sometimes Hazel and Hawthorn. When larger it feeds nocturnally on the leaves, hiding in a spun terminal shoot during the day. It pupates in a cocoon under the soil.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Downy Oak.