73.226 Southern Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.226 Southern Brindled Green Copyright Martin Evans


73.226 Southern Brindled Green Dryobotodes roboris (Boisduval, {1828])

Resident or Immigrant Channel Islands

Similar species: Brindled Green Dryobotodes eremita is larger (15 to 17mm) and has a less pale band across the outer area of the forewing, as well as lacking the dark blotch in the trailing corner.

Forewing: 12 to 14mm

Habitats: Oak woodland and scrub oak woodland.

Habits: The moth comes to light.

Foodplant: The early stages have not been recorded in Britain. In southern Europe the larva feeds mainly on Downy Oak as well as other oaks. The older larvae rest in crevices in the bark. It pupates in a tough cocoon under the soil.