73.241 Pine Beauty Panolis flammea ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Similar species: Although there is some variation in colour, this moth is easy to identify.
Forewing: 15 to 16mm
Habitats: Coniferous woodland, conifer plantations, mixed woodland, parkland and gardens.
Habits: The moth visits the catkins of sallows and comes sparingly to light.
Foodplant: The larva feeds on the fresh needles and new shoots of Scots Pine, Corsican Pine, Maritime Pine, Lodgepole Pine, other pines and larches. It pupates in a flimsy cocoon in the leaf litter or a bark crevice.
On the European mainland it is known to feed on Norway Spruce, European Silver Fir and possibly other spruces and firs.